John Lawson: 1709 map of “Ocacock Inlet”

John Lawson published a map of Carolina in A New Voyage to Carolina in 1709; most people familiar with Lawson know of this map. However, virtually unknown is Lawson’s map of Ocracoke Inlet, titled “Ocacock Inlet No. Carolina”, with an engraved date of August 22d, 1709. Read more about it via the linked pdf.

William Churton: mysteries of his life, death, and his map of North Carolina

If asked to name 18th Century North Carolina surveyors, the top three names that come to mind, in chronological order, are John Lawson, Edward Moseley, and William Churton. There are a lot of mysteries pertaining to Churton’s life, death, and his manuscript map of North Carolina. Some of those mysteries are discussed here.

Re-stating John Henry’s 1770 map of Virginia

There are only about thirteen known surviving copies of John Henry’s 1770 map of Virginia. One of these, in the Biblioteca nacional de España, was printed from an earlier state of the copper plates than all other known extant copies. Read more about it in the attached PDF.