The old axiom, “good things come in small packages”, certainly holds true in maps. There are some miniature maps of Carolina that are adorable. Let’s take a look at a few maps of the Carolinas that measure no more than four inches.

Image courtesy of Barry Lawrence Ruderman Antique Maps. Higher resolution image available via the hyperlink
The tiny map shown above was first published in Ulm in 1692 by Johann Müller in Kurtz-Bundige Abbild-Und Vorstellung Der Gantzen Welt. The example above, with V.C. at top center (instead of V.) is from Müller’s 1702 Neu-Aussgefertigter Kleiner Atlas, also published in Ulm. The topography is outdated, showing “N. Amsterdam” instead of New York, and “N. Suecia” (New Sweden) instead of Pennsylvania.
Perhaps the tiniest published map of the Carolinas is shown below:
“Nouvelle Carte de la Caroline” was published in volume VI of Atlas Historique, Ou Nouvelle Introduction A L’Histoire … in Amsterdam. The Atlas Historique was published in seven volumes between 1705 and 1720, under several different Chatelain imprints, depending on the Chatelain family partnerships at the time of publication (Zacharie Sr, Henri, and Zacharie Jr). Several geographic features on this miniscule map are derived from John Lederer’s 1672 map, including the “Savana” at the base of the Appalachian Mountains, and Lederer’s “Desert Arenosa” in the Sandhills (depicted but unlabeled on Chatelain’s map). This tiny map is one of eight that were printed on a single folio sheet; the sheet was titled Carte qui contient une description des iles & terres que les anglois possedent dans l’Amerique septentrionale, et en particulier de la Jamaique.
The cute little map below is from a miniature atlas published in 1758 by John Gibson, in London.

“Carolina and Georgia” was first published by J. Gibson in Atlas Minimus, London, 1758. A superb publication history of this tiny atlas (1758-1807), including use of its plates for a deck of playing cards, was written by George L. King, and is available on line here. If you prefer his book in print, Miniature Antique Maps, the best price (by far) is from Steve Luck at Tooley Adams & Co. On their reference book page, scroll just over halfway down (or search page with Ctrl+F: Miniature); the price is £12 plus shipping. Alternatively, send Steve an email: .
Honorable mention, measuring slightly greater than 4 inches:

“Carolina” is commonly credited to John Speed, though he had been dead nearly 50 years when this map was engraved. The map was published by Thomas Bassett and Richard Chiswell in An epitome of Mr. John Speed’s Theatre of the empire of Great Britain, and of his Prospect of the most famous parts of the world... The Prospect, containing the map of Carolina, has a 1675-dated title page. However, the Prospect is never found separately; it is always bound with the 1676 Theatre.
Do you have a favorite miniature map? Let us know via the “What’s on your mind?” comment section below.